When I choose my Blush Tribe I’m always a little nervous for them to meet each other. I have had so many bad experiences with mean girls throughout my life that I sometimes shy away from friendships. These women are not that. The women I call friends are not that. I have been beyond blessed with friends that continue to cheer one another on. They truly want the best for each other and always support each other!
I am always afraid to start something new. What if it doesn’t work out? What if they hate each other? What if they don’t make an impact? What if it’s all for nothing? What if I waste everyone’s time?! All of these questions always run through my mind.
I am here to tell you, if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough! It’s okay to make yourself uncomfortable to follow those dreams. It is incredible to watch women do things that are hard even when they are afraid. The amount of growth and the feeling of accomplishment is everything!
Today I’m sharing Blush Babe Jess B. She is amazing. She has struggled with things like anxiety and mental health and has continued to push forward. She is a force to be reckoned with!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Hey there! My name is Jess and I consider myself to be a young soul and definitely don’t feel 40! I am a hardworking divorced mom of two that loves working out and spending my free time in nature and with my friends and family. I have worked really hard to power through a lot of obstacles. I dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life. I work hard to stay mentally and physically well by eating healthy, staying active and only surrounding myself with positive people. I am a people person and I enjoy helping people. I recently did the Walk Out of the Darkness walk to promote suicide awareness. My best friend lost her son to suicide and as a parent and friend it was the most devastating thing I’ve ever experienced. I will always talk about my own struggles with mental health because I want to break the stigma and to let others know they are never alone.
2. What is a typical day like for you?
When I have my kids I am up at 7am making lunches, getting both of them ready for school. Brushing hair, teeth ect. After dropping them off to Preschool and Elementary School I work until 6pm in the Property Management industry. I absolutely love my job and I literally work with the most amazing women that literally lift me up every day. After work, I usually head to yoga class or go out to dinner with a friend. Sometimes, I work out at home and clean the house and treat myself to a glass or two of wine. Before bed, I will usually write in my journal, sage my room and listen to a meditation online.
3. On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?
I think of my eight year old son and four year old daughter and know that they depend on me as a role model and I also remind myself how far I’ve come surviving and thriving during a very turbulent divorce. I also try to grateful for what I have and not what I don’t have. I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day.
4. Who inspires you to live your best life?
I really enjoy reading and learning about The Law of Attraction. I truly feel I am directly responsible for my life and that my thoughts can make or break my outlook on life as well as influencing my life experiences. I keep a gratitude journal and I try to channel my energy into looking at what I do have instead of what I have lost. I also feel especially blessed to have found a yoga studio The Zen Mafia that is literally my second home. The owners and yoga attendees have truly helped me to live my best life.
5. If you could go back and tell your 13 year old self something….what would that be?
Don’t worry about what others think of you or anything negative they may say to you. They are struggling to find themselves as much as you are. It is ok to be unique and it is more than ok to learn who you are along the way. No need to define who you are right now; it’s a much needed learning curve.
6. What is your favorite quote?
Even the Smallest Light Shines Bright in The Darkness. Donna Raye
I love this quote and I’ve been told that I am a bright light. When I’m feeling depressed or anxious i work really hard to get that spark back. Some days are harder than others but I remind myself I can continue to pull myself up out of the darkness.
7. You are inspiring women to get out there and love themselves, what piece of advice would you give them?
You need to start with appreciating and loving the body you are in and the person you are inside. As an example, I have always wanted to be taller and thinner although I could diet until the sun goes down and I will be 5’2 and curvy until the day I die. Appreciate what you have: dress in a way that makes you feel good, wear a scent that makes you smile and surround yourself with positive people. Don’t try to adapt your personality because you think people may not like you or that you are “too much.” I’m high energy, love to laugh and I’m loud. If someone doesn’t like me than I consider myself blessed not to waste my time or theirs. Life is too short not to appreciate the woman you are!
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