Happy Monday! I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to follow along on our journey and for supporting us. Today, I’m sharing another Blush Babe that is a boss all on her own. She is an educator and that deserves a round of applause all on it’s own! Everyone, meet Anais!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:
2. What is a typical day like for you?
Once my alarm goes off I have to get up; snoozing is my worst enemy. I read, pray, and hit the ground running; breakfast, take Ramon out, feed him, kiss him up (and my husband), and off to school! Depending on the day, I may have indoor cycling after school or teaching a lesson at church for the youth. If I do not have either of those going on and no school events, then I’m home around 4/5ish prepping dinner and asking Ramon how his day went. Once Hubby gets home, we’ll eat dinner together. We like to unwind by watching a movie together or a show (my husband falls asleep 9 out of 10 times). Time after work goes by so incredibly fast and our lives have a lot going on so we just chill on the days that we can. Every Friday, I pick up my step daughter and we try to do some family fun time together (Food Truck Fridays, board games, walking to get ice cream, out to eat, etc.). It’s funny to talk about my typical day right now because in just a few months my typical day is going to look completely different once the nugget enters our world! And the Hazards are crazy excited!

3. On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?
Knowing I have a purpose– even when I may not know what that is at the moment or don’t feel like I do; I still know that I know that I know I have a God given purpose. My family is a huge motivating factor. If I am every feeling a certain way I can talk to my husband, mother, or sisters and I know they’ll kick my bum into gear. Being a step mom and being an example is huge to me too; she has seen me mess up and has seen me conquer mountains and she’s always cheering me on regardless.
4. Who inspires you to live your best life?
My husband, Jamaal, is always pushing to live his best life. As a result, it inspires me to push and live my best life. He is confident, smart, and patient. He’s not afraid to fail and just try again. There were qualities in me that were hidden and pushed down, but when I met him he brought them out in me and cheered me on as if I was the best thing ever! He’s also real good at calling me out on my BS! My family and friends inspire me too. They have been through some things because life can be unpredictable and messy, BUT they still show up, they still love on others, they still speak life into me, and they still are amazing no matter how many times life has kicked them down.

5. If you could go back and tell your 13 year old self something….what would that be?
6. What is your favorite quote?
” So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest pf blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9
“Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it in a mean way.”
” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
7.You are inspiring women to get out there and love themselves, what piece of advice would you give them?
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